Leadership Coaching
through organizational change
Leadership Coaching is very individualized and might include goal setting, strategy exploration, addressing dilemmas, or simply talking through challenges, successes, and next steps. Coaching partnerships are typically developed through virtual coaching via Skype on a weekly, twice monthly, or monthly basis. They are sometimes accompanied by onsite visits. Michelle supports instructional coaches and those new to curriculum leadership through coaching partnerships.
Instructional Coaches:
Schools that implement instructional coaching programs for job-embedded professional learning for their teachers also need to provide ongoing professional learning support for their coaching teams. “Coach the coach” partnerships address the challenges coaches face as they work with teachers and teacher teams, including:
Conditions for effective adult learning
Trust and relationship building
Facilitating change
Strategies for giving constructive feedback
Partnership agreements with principals, teachers, and other leaders.
Addressing coaching dilemmas.
Because this role is typically the only one of its kind in a school, having an objective partner with whom to share successes and challenges is valuable. Michelle draws from a decade of experience as a Director of Teaching and Learning in international schools to coach new curriculum leaders in areas such as:
Teaching, learning, and curriculum leadership.
Partnering with principals and other school leaders, clarifying decision-making and ensuring a common, unified message.
Exploring the impact of language in critical conversations.
Coaching through dilemmas of practice.
Building a community of practice and collaborative culture among the faculty.
Leading leaders in learning.
Facilitating change initiatives and motivating adult learners